I need to start this out just the way it needs to go. My name is Missy Burkett. I live in a small town in the southern part of Michigan. I have lived in Michigan all my life. I am 30 years of age divorced with two children. My son is the oldest and my daughter is the youngest. I have a man in my life who I will never truly marry. We will always remain boyfriend and girlfriend. People ask me why and I tell them about my divorce.
Aah yes the divorce or should we call it more like a blood bath. When two people get married they should really think about it deeply. I mean you are going to pay alot of money for a party and if things don't work out. Well then you are paying a lot of money to get out of the marrage. All things you buy together one person ends up getting it all. In my case I didn't want items to remind me what I had at one time. So I left them behind me. The one thing I could not give up was my children, that was all I asked for. He let me have them with the understanding that I still had to bring the children to see him. It sounded easy but really it wasn't that simple.The fights would brake out in front of children. This was mainly due to me losing my cool. I never liked him to have the children. I never knew if they were safe. He was not seeming to me to have the right frame of mind to take care of the children right. When really he was fine it was just me. I was thinking how could he do this and and still be a good father. I was mad at him for wanting to leave me. The fight over the children begin. The fighting wasn't about time with the kids but money. That is the sad part. I don't care about the money just as long as I get to keep the children with me. I love them more than myself.
My oldest son changed me for the better. I was quite the hell raiser when I was younger, who knows if I would still be a live today if I had not changed. In my eyes my son saved my life. And for that I am truly grateful. My ex would not feel like that for him. What I mean by this is that he didn't want to be father at a young age and who does. He would tell me time and time again I messed up his life by having a child with him. The funny part about this is that he is about to have his third child and he just got married. He is taking all the same steps he took with me. I just find it funny.
So for me getting married again is just not in deck of cards. I am with a man that just does not want that with me. So forever single....no not really... just taken.
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